Ultimate super willpower
The third volume Part.4 |
Healing illness with the power of ESP is the way
to know about the potential |
of super willpower. |
The most worrisome thing of people is sickness,
and the second is poverty. |
If I cure these, people will trust me. |
Still now, I have heard that even though the top
of religions in the world, Buddha and |
Jesus Christ had people walk, they healed a
person who was blind. |
I think the same thing. |
Because of peoples trust on people and have
people relieve, as mentioned before, I heal |
sickness and have to relieve
peoples suffering from their troubles. |
There is no way to be unsuccessful. |
Because ESP has the same wish for happiness of
all people in the world, that is intended |
for all six billion people. |
Also, I'd like all people to understand about
ESP. |
Unlike religion, ESP has no doctrines or dogmas. |
By the above sentences, I can not explain what
ESP is. |
A thing that I can do is show the truth to
become happy. |
Instructing about all, even though I instructed
them, the result needs the truth that |
people can be satisfied. |
Also the truth, if the effect like that "
this is possible and that is impossible to |
instruct ", people will not depend on me,
they will be anxious. |
Truly it has to be the power of world unknown or
providence. |
The power of ESP is neither intelligence nor
technology of human beings, also it is not |
my power. |
Because I was given the power from a higher dimension
in an instant , I've never thought |
that it was my technique or work. |
That's why, if there are fifty people at any
lecture or meeting, I must have all people |
satisfied that ESP is remarkable. |
I can make them comfortable from any sickness. |
At this time, I think the power is not my power, I have
only the belief that I was given |
the power from God. |
So, I respond and heal sickness by common sense
of current medicine, because I think it |
is natural. |
Besides, it is not necessary to use hand
techniques, I heal them with the explanation of |
their body's condition by my
thoughts. |
This ESP power has no heads nor tails, it is
completely absolute thought. |
ESP power healing is the method that people can
understand the existence of ESP by |
their own experience. |
Therefore, it appears in their business or at
work. |
Truth can shake the hearts of people. |
It is the nucleus of happiness, ESP will expand
powerfully into the life and living of |
people, accordingly it will be a bright and
big circle of pleasure for the living. |
Human beings are changeable. |
Although, even though any wonderful great
preachment of happiness can not be |
connected to this world of material
civilization, but this is not a sermon. |
Your desire will be shown by the truth. |
There is nothing else in the world. |
No matter how people evaluate and think about
ESP, because of the bounds of human |
being's wisdom, it is natural. |
So, I don't worry about it. |
However, even though people who are congealed by
self-assertion and do not try to |
listen to the conversation of others,
they have a pure heart that is the instinct of |
human beings in the deepest part of
their heart. |
Pure heart appears as the action of good
intentions in the unconsciousness. |
You can feel it by the phenomena of ESP. |
Some of the high-tech related scientists said
the 21st Century is the age of the heart. |
What is the age of heart ? |
Do you know what to do ? |
It is not the time to renew the moral training. |
The heart that was only educated has no power,
and has no resistance to undergo |
changes of a turbulent life. |
Because it is the teachings of human beings, on
the relationships among people, one's |
high and low education and relative merits
of culture will appear from anywhere. |
These will not be harmonized with human beings. |
Because it is the conscious behavior. |
However, Roshi said " Heaven's net will
never lose vice. " |
The heavens have begun to create the world of
heart. |
As I mentioned above, it will become the world
in that an honest person will win. |
The 21st century is that in which heart and
science will be harmonized together. |
God knows all your past and future. |
The method that you will become happy and the
way of your happiness have been |
decided since you were born. |
If I say this, I may receive big objections. |
Even though I receive all these objections, I
have authority that I can get the |
agreement of antis in state. |
I'll explain about it so anyone can understand
it easily. |
There are many people who are grieving why they
do not receive the rewards of their |
material and moral lives, even when they
are making an effort for people and render |
their good intentions. |
It is not only you. |
So, you don't need to worry about it. |
Because, you are walking on the road that was
taught by another person. |
The way that was taught by someone else is
jammed, so you will not find out the |
destination that it is huddled too. |
Even though the teachings of people is great,
nobody can tell that the teachings will suit |
or not to your character. |
How can you tell ? |
Because you can not control the way as you want
to. |
If it will not be controlled, you'll think about
it what you are going to do next, like this or |
that. |
It is said that the world is severe, that's the
reason. |
It is hardly necessary to say that you know
completely about it. |
How should you find the shortcut way of
happiness ? |
As I aforementioned, your life has been set by
God, not by humans. |
This road will reach your purpose, if you
sincerely act on the things that you think in |
your heart. |
If you act on your intuition in good order, God
will believe you, because intuition is the |
thought of the God. |
It is not so hard to change your fortune turn about
face. |
Education and consideration go beyond the limit,
mental civilization forgets the existence |
of heart, people think how can they
operate the society and are going to try to create |
the human's world artificially. |
Pride of the self-confident, and the wisdom of
human beings are difficult to be in |
harmony. |
Perversion of human intelligence will produce in
sanity. |
This is why the world mankind is peaceful and
close personally, but as for the authority |
in country becomes a strong defense
debater which is called the state consciousness. |
The development of the country is good, but
weapons for the war is unnecessary, |
isn't it ? |
The shortcut way of real peace is " heart
". |
Human beings will not be able to become happy
with wildness and caprice. |
People think that they must explicate about
these matters. |
This is nothing more than their dependence ability style. |
This is self-centeredness. |
This is why it deserves to worry about the relationships. |
People were born from their parents who live a different life style,
even though siblings |
who have shared the same environment; life, education and their opinion of the
world is |
not the same. |
Besides their hobbies are individually different. |
Each ones heart is not the same as the other. |
And yet, they think that they want their partner to accept what they
want. |
People who have excessive self-consciousness don't want to try to
change their |
thoughts and persuade their actions and ideas as a goodness after all
they are not |
satisfied with a partner, if that one does not become what they want. |
In general, there are many diploma-oriented types of people. |
It seems that they are misunderstanding what democracy means. |
If I think this is their way or business, and it seems as they don't
need any |
interferences. |
To disapprove the belief of the person means that going against the large
stream of
the |
democratization current. |
The point of my consistent assertion is " conception and immediate
action ". |
According to an educational viewpoint, it may be completely reckless
behavior. |
Rather, struggling for considerations and discretions of what will be. |
If you don't move, you can not tell if it is a success or a failure. |
Suffering of human society is especially this point. |
People who were brainwashed by ESP will never have a dark out look on
their life. |
A word of brainwashing seems that the thought background or something
passing |
through. |
But the brainwashing of ESP what I say that is brainwashed by the
supernatural |
phenomenon, because it becomes an innocent brain, the massage from
Providence |
comes you constantly. |
Therefore, each messages are all instructions of Providence, you have to
move |
immediately. |
This is " conception and immediate
action ". |
" Conception and immediate
action " does not mean that you have to act
or keep to |
the first conception all day long. |
That is, thoughts that flow up one after another are all intuitions, and
are also |
conversion of conception. |
Because this is the changing of the conception that God instructs you,
you'll be sure of |
success. |