Ultimate super willpower
The third volume Part.5 |
Condition of happiness part 1 |
In each lecture, I have been exclaiming that the first conclusive condition of
happiness |
is prosperity of your business. |
The basis for that is to do your best and attribute to order of Providence. |
This prose is not a particularly new sentence that anyone can teach, but the language
is |
clear and the meaning is opaque. |
Because you don't know how and don't understand what can you do as your best. |
However, ESP can teach you that doing your best is very easy. |
Let's act on as you think without hesitation. |
This is " do your best ". |
Because the action that you have calculated from the beginning is your site, it is |
difficult to become anything you want. |
Conception is not your thought, it is an instruction from Providence. |
If you act on and entrust yourself to the instruction, Providence will believe you. |
People who are believed by Providence, of course you can achieve as think. |
Also as this instruction of Providence is the instruction which sees through your |
happiness, if you follow the instruction, you will have courage in your daily life. |
This is " do your best ". |
It is the highest privilege that is only given to the people who are wrapped up in the |
heart of ESP. |
ESP instruction tapes will give you pleasure in your daily life, even if you do not
act |
consciously as a human being, only if you move from intuition to action. |
" Conception and immediate action " is not blind and flippant action. |
Act on as you think, if your thought changes, you change the action with it right away. |
If you do the action like this from when you get up, after around ten o'clock in the |
morning, you will be able to make a living full of confidence and feeling relaxed. |
Flowing out and changing thoughts are a conversion of conception for that God believes |
you. |
Entrusting with these that is " do your best and attribute to the order of
Providence ". |
Condition of happiness part U |
The second condition of the happiness is to build a bright and an enjoyable life. |
The basis for the purpose is; Respond to your partner with virtue depending on |
circumstances. |
The conversation is filled by emotion. |
It seems difficult, but it is warm and is a courageous word. |
How come ? Because if you don't discard your ego, this action will become fiction. |
That is to say, you may be able to make a living in the thought of self-priority or |
self-interest of human beings but, you will have no satisfaction and pleasure of mind, |
and will also become stuck in anxiousness almost everyday, you are like as in the
vortex |
of the struggle for existence. |
The current world, which is satisfied with everything, will it be able to say |
" happiness ? " |
Afresh I do not make any comments at this time, everyone will have the same mind. |
In Providence, a mechanism of Earthian happiness actually exists. |
Never grieve the misfortune of yourself, even though you have gotten many troubles |
and bitterness from your past and present. |
Life is various, that is the phrase of my favorite song though, all people have a
different |
mind and life-style. |
Therefore, if you have the initiative of own conversation, and make light of other's |
conversation, it is natural thing to happen, that is not accomplished. |
Rather, if you have a profit, and respect other's conversation and heart, you will get |
pleasure, that is what I want to say. |
Even domestic discord is the same thing. |
You feel a ruinous pain and lonely in the fights of opinions, and you also feel
miserable |
yourself. |
If your partner shows strong attitude, you become a Joker, and change the situation |
from darkness to brightness. |
This is a wonderful shift of conception for your happiness. |
An enjoyable life appears right away by the continual shift of conception. |
Condition of happiness part 3 |
The 3rd condition of happiness is genial human relationships. |
The basis for that is, discarding self-centered egocentrism and accommodating other's |
feelings. |
In whole human life, living as such with self-centered, nobody can afford to have
their |
own heart. |
In this case, I may say that there is no richness in that life neither. |
Japan consummates the cream of high-tech science, higher education and the highest |
medicine, and now has become a big economic power in the world. |
Through these, our life should also become the most enjoyable. |
Of course we may say that our life become convenient though, are we really enjoying |
life everyday ? |
Are we happy? |
I might say that is NO. |
Because of avarice and egocentric expose, these are noticed right away by the client
at |
the first meeting, and are also beware of you, so that it is hard to talk. |
You can understand well, if you observe the enterprise's struggling as the
representative |
reality. |
Development and prosperity of trade or business are the origin of happy life, the
daily |
business is a rat race, if you don't dislodge others, you won't get the development or |
prosperity. |
This is egoism, if you just think of it, that is a miserable life. |
The gorgeous life has no sincere pleasure. |
How can you change this situation is, you can get only from that, " do not use
your |
card ", get pleasure of people around you, that works out the pleasure of your
daily |
work. |
Speaking of people around you, as everybody knows that is a regular customer on your |
business, for people who work in company that it is your work place. |
We can make a living by the favorable prosperity, so that you have to put them first, |
and sincerely win their favor. |
For people who take service with in company, if you think that you are employed by the |
company, there are neither development nor pleasure of precious day, you feel
distress. |
If you think that a company uses you, your whole life is miserable. |
If you think that company's job is yours, you'll have motivation to work in the
company, |
that is going to be fun. |
Therefore, development of your work place is prosperity, of course, you ought to be |
taken care of your company. |
You think that anything is your job, and you work hard to try to increase the |
achievement of the company though, if the company doesn't deal to accept you. |
There is no meaning to stay long. |
Why can I say this so strongly. |
Because, your life has a limit, you should make a living in useful life. |
If you act on your courage, and tie into each thing, certainly your job will be
enjoyable. |
Good fortune will come to your family, an affluent pleasure of heart will come to you
all. |
Supernatural phenomenon of ESP constantly penetrates the heart of human beings. |
Therefore the power improves incurable disease in a moment, even thought the disease |
is hard to care by the collective effort of the best medicine has to offer. |
At my lecture, one or two thousand people watched the healing of a patient
with an . |
incurable disease. |
I think that the truth of the matter lies in whether the patient is cured
of sickness. |
That is good enough. |